Cedar Terrace Neighborhood

Explore an interactive map below to discover unique highlights about the local neighborhood.

Walk Score

Walkability to shops, schools, and parks.

Transit Score

Access to nearby buses, trains, and trolleys.

Bike Score

Access to biking lanes, paths, trails, and parking.

Bellevue, WA Neighborhood Information

Located on the doorstep of metro Seattle, between Lake Washington and Lake Sammamish, Bellevue offers a lively mix of small town charm and verdant natural surroundings. Here, you can experience a home filled with comfort and a career loaded with possibility. While the area has a thriving small-business scene, it’s also accessible to larger companies like T-Mobile and Microsoft. After a long day hiking the many surrounding trails, make sure to treat yourself at one of the area’s exciting bars and restaurants. If you want a well-rounded lifestyle, Bellevue is the place to find it.

Neighborhood Highlights

Fresh Fare

Bellevue Farmer’s Market, open on Thursdays, features a unique mix of vendors offering seasonal fruits, vegetables, flowers, and meats.

Retail Therapy

Shop ‘til you drop at Bellevue Square, with more than 200 shops and many options for fine dining.

Parks & Rec

Nearby Watershed Park and Bridle Trails State Park each offer a seemingly limitless network of trails to explore.

Local Brews

Head to nearby Bellevue Brewing Company, a local watering hole offering handcrafted beers and delicious pub grub.

Floral Fantasy

Bellevue Botanical Garden consists of enchanting woodlands and wetlands that serve as the venue for a variety of seasonal festivities, art exhibits, and concerts.

Zip Tour

Visit Bellevue Zip Tour and take in wooded views from a whole new angle.

Find Your Home

With a wide range of floor plan options, you'll have no problem finding a space that's perfect for you.

Floor Plans & Pricing