Wilshire Promenade Neighborhood

Explore an interactive map below to discover unique highlights about the local neighborhood.

Walk Score

Walkability to shops, schools, and parks.

Transit Score

Access to nearby buses, trains, and trolleys.

Bike Score

Access to biking lanes, paths, trails, and parking.

Fullerton, CA Neighborhood Information

City energy and natural beauty make Fullerton one of Orange County’s most livable cities. While its known for top-rated schools like California State University, Fullerton, this lively town also offers exciting job opportunities and a diverse mix of entertainment options. Hikers and bikers will have all the outdoors they can handle, especially at the Fullerton Loop. For thrill seekers, Disneyland and Knott’s Berry Farm are just minutes away. You can also catch concerts and NHL games at the nearby Honda Center. Here in Fullerton, everything you need is always just outside your door.

Neighborhood Highlights

Downtown Destinations

Just like New York City's SoHo District, Downtown Fullerton has SoCo. The neighborhood features an exciting array of lounges, restaurants, and coffee shops.

Market Magic

Head to the Fullerton Market and enjoy fresh, locally grown fruits and vegetables, handcrafted artisan products, live music, and entertainment.

College Culture

Nearby Fullerton College offers a vibrant lineup of arts and cultural events that are open to the surrounding community as well as plant sales and athletic competitions.

On-site Options

Ground-floor retail options include the Promenade Market, Blue Ribbon Academy, the law offices of Steven M. Hanna, P.C., and Half Off Books.

Spanish Colonial Style

The Santa Fe District, on the southern side of downtown Fullerton is a beautiful open area filled with hundreds of trees and wide walkways, featuring Spanish Colonial style architecture.

Beach Getaways

Just a 30-minute drive away, Seal Beach serves as the northern gateway to Orange County's 42 miles of coastline.

Find Your Home

With a wide range of floor plan options, you'll have no problem finding a space that's perfect for you.

Floor Plans & Pricing