Skye at Bunker Hill Neighborhood

Explore an interactive map below to discover unique highlights about the local neighborhood.

Walk Score

Walkability to shops, schools, and parks.

Transit Score

Access to nearby buses, trains, and trolleys.

Bike Score

Access to biking lanes, paths, trails, and parking.

Downtown Los Angeles, CA Neighborhood Information

Transform your lifestyle in downtown L.A., where you’ll be surrounded by the city’s best food, entertainment, and nightlife. Here, everything is within reach, whether you’re wandering the warehouses of the Arts District, dining in Little Tokyo, or catching a show at Walt Disney Concert Hall. Shoppers will love The Row’s many boutiques, while Staples Center offers concerts and pro sports for everyone. Commuting is also a breeze, as you’ll have easy access to Metro stations and the Amtrak at historic Union Station. Enjoy a bit of all the best in life in exciting downtown Los Angeles.

Neighborhood Highlights

Cultural Exploration

Check out the only artist-founded museum in Los Angeles, The Museum of Contemporary Art, showcasing roughly seven thousand objects and featuring ground-breaking exhibitions.

Melodic Musings

Catch a show at the Walt Disney Concert Hall, home of the LA Philharmonic and the Los Angeles Master Chorale, boasting excellent acoustics to take your listening experience to the next level.

Play Ball

Catch a game at Dodger Stadium, one of America’s oldest ballparks that has been home to the Dodgers since 1962.

Grand Market

Explore the Grand Central Market, an emporium featuring a unique selection of food and floral vendors, operating since 1917.

Literary Libations

Get cozy with a hand-crafted cocktail at Library Bar, a wonderfully themed, neighborhood gastropub.

Pretty Parks

Head outside to Vista Hermosa Natural Park Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority to hike on trails that lead you to perfect picnic spots.

Find Your Home

With a wide range of floor plan options, you'll have no problem finding a space that's perfect for you.

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